While this concept may not be entirely unique, I’m certain, it’s so important that it deserves more discussion and should even have its own name.

UI/UX design

What is it about?

The core idea is that you should design interface in a way to prevent users from making mistakes and getting unexpected results, rather than spending time working on scenarios to handle such cases.

I’ve called it the «Zero Error Principle» in the UI/UX design.

Let’s look at an example

Imagine a typical registration form that users must complete to gain access to a website. Most likely, there will be several required input fields with different data types, such as name/surname, email, phone number, date of birth, ID number, etc.

When designing such a form, there could be two different approaches a designer could use. The bad one is to use a list of simple inputs with a huge list of potential error messages users might see.

And the good one is to create something more complex and suitable for the current needs, use different input types with well-design auto-completion. This way, users will have a much lower chance, or perhaps no chance at all, of making a mistake when filling out the form. This, in my opinion, should be the primary indicator of proper UI/UX design.

This principle isn’t only applicable to form design. Similar considerations arise when working on product catalogs, chat lists, image galleries, settings, and more.

UI/UX design
Make your UI more intelligent

Some structured reasons to follow the 0-error principle

Reduce the amount of bugs

Sometimes it may sound counterintuitive, due to the seemingly higher complexity of the UI, but by utilizing this principle, you actually reduce the need to work on complex error-handling scenarios, which makes a big difference from the development and testing perspective.

Avoid user frustration

It’s a typical scenario when users were ready to invest their time and money in a software product that aimed to solve one of their issues, but due to a significant number of unexpected UI issues, they just walked away with their needs unfulfilled.

By using appropriate input fields, sets of control elements, navigation menus, etc., you reduce the likelihood of users misinterpreting the UI and making unexpected errors.

Ensuring user satisfaction with your software is of critical importance, as it alone can distinguish your business in a significant way.

Reduce “traction”

By making the UI more intuitive and intelligent, you are not only removing obstacles toward your users’ goals but also making the process of using your software much faster and more efficient.

This will eventually lead to a better conversion rate, making the entire business more effective and profitable.


The “Zero Error Principle” in UI/UX design emphasizes the importance of crafting interfaces that minimize user mistakes, rather than focusing on error-handling scenarios. By adhering to this principle, you can elevate user satisfaction, decrease system bugs, and enhance the overall user experience.

Thank you for reading! 🎉